Vision, Mission and Values

Building a Lasting Chemistry of Trust

Trust is not just a word for us here at Prakash Chemicals. Our commitment to excellence goes beyond our business and encompasses the well-being of our employees, our stakeholders and most importantly, the society.


To be an Iconic Global House by Value and Relationship Catalyzing Commerce and Knowledge across the ocean and Entrepreneurial Spirit shall be its signature and the basis of Growth and Profitability.


  • To become a trusted and reliable source for chemical products
  • To go beyond business and add value with a partnership approach
  • To set new benchmarks in speed, quality, flexibility and reliability
  • To deliver cost competency, empowering our customers to do more in less
  • To be an organization that puts values and ethics above profits
  • To improve on people, processes and products today for a better tomorrow
  • To endeavour for continuous development, growth and enrichment of our stakeholders

Core Values

Balancing growth and dignity, business and ethics, progress and planet in the past half a century, we have ensured our business is built on following values:
  • Human Dignity
  • Empowerment of People
  • Transparency
  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Business Ethics
  • Responsible Care for Society